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Old structure in my community
Old structure in my community2
Old structure in my community3
Old structure in my community4
Old structure in my community5

My community is made up of mostly Mayan people, and it is not common to spot a few thatch houses as you are passing through the village or driving along the highway. In my previous thread i spoke how about the people build concrete structure to protect them from the hurricane. While that is true the elders in the village still keep the tradition alive and build these building for themselves, i asked a few elders why they don’t build concrete structures like the rest of the people and they would reply, “Living in a concrete building is too hot i prefer to build a thatch house because it is cooler than the concrete building, plus we must keep our traditions alive so that other people can learn from us”. Also as I walked around the village I noticed that almost all of the villagers would have a concrete building and a thatch house in their yard as well.